44 year old female, egg retrieval, good embryos

Rumsfeld B.
Los Angeles, CA
Post on Yelp.com 10/06/2019

I am a 44 year old female who has been in the midst of trying to have a baby. At 42 I had my first egg retrieval which resulted in 1 successful embryo. Unfortunately, when it was implanted it was ectopic. After all the time to heal and start over again I was all of a sudden 44. Everything you read and everything the doctor tells you is that your chances a successful pregnancy fall off a cliff. So in May 2019 I had another egg retrieval that resulted in no good embryos. So then I decided I to make some changes went to acupuncture usually 3 times a week. The doctor is the best and very supportive. I ate a plant based diet, stopped drinking alcohol and prayed a lot more! Happy to report we ended up with one good embryo that will be transferred later this year. Acupuncture is truly an experience like none other and really helps get your mind and body right.